Visas for Victims of Crime

Protecting victims from vicious criminals
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Visas For Victims Of Crime Attorney In South Florida

What Is The Purpose Of A U Visa?

The U visa, also known as a visa for crime victims, was established as a form of humanitarian relief for individuals who were the victim of certain crimes, have cooperated with law enforcement, or have suffered mental or physical harm. This visa is part of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and people who are granted a U visa have permission to live and work in the United States for a period of up to four years.

If you have suffered substantial abuse and are in need of a U visa, you will need to hire a Hollywood visa lawyer from Garcia, Miranda & Gonzalez-Rua, P.A. to represent you and assist you with the process. There are certain qualifications which you must have and be able to prove in order to apply for this type of visa.

Call Garcia, Miranda & Gonzalez-Rua, P.A. at 786-686-3090 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

What are the Requirements for U-Visa?

Aliens who have been the victim of a crime and are in the process of assisting or have assisted with the investigation or prosecution may be eligible for a U visa.

Requirements to prove your eligibility for a U visa:

  • The victim must have filed a report with the police or another law enforcement agency
  • The victim must have suffered physical or mental abuse (as a direct result of the crime)
  • The victim or the victim's children will experience more suffering if deported or removed from the U.S.
  • The crime must have taken place in the United States

How many u visas are issued each year?

Each year, Congress caps the number of U visas at 10,000. This only includes the principal applicant, not their family or dependents. There is an estimate of 269,000 U visas pending as of December 2020 and a 5-year waiting period in some cases. If you or a loved one needs to apply for a U visa, reach out to Garcia, Miranda, Gonzalez-Rua, P.A. -- there may be other ways to help you. Reach out to an experienced visa lawyer near you!

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Have Questions?

Call Garcia, Miranda & Gonzalez-Rua, P.A. at 786-686-3090 today.

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